Browse vs. Explore

BDC-PIC-SURE provides two ways to search: Browse and Explore.

Browse enables the user to conduct a feasibility study by exploring individual-level data (aggregate counts returned only) without authorization to access data.

Explore allows the user to explore participant-level data of publicly available studies and any studies in which they have an active dbGaP Data Access Request (DAR). For more information about this process, please review the Managing Data Access section.

In September 2024, Open PIC-SURE was moved to "Discover" and Authorized PIC-SURE was moved to "Explore"

Table Comparison of Browse and Explore

Browse All Data
Explore Authorized Data

Available to the public

Some variables not available for filtering*

Data obfuscation

dbGaP approval to access required (public studies available)

Search on participant-level data

Returns aggregate counts

Access to participant-level data

Phenotypic variable search

Phenotypic variable filtering

Genomic variable filtering

Data retrieval


*Stigmatizing variables and other variables are removed from Browse to protect participant anonymity.

Last updated