Using Rapids AI software

Rapids AI is a tool that allows faster processing speed in machine learning algorithms.

We have deployed a new kernel for Sagemaker notebooks specifically for Rapids AI in SWB. Note that you may still need to install specific required packages, but that this kernel will persist between workspace start and stop. To use it, please follow the following instructions:

  1. To create a notebook with the rapids kernel:

    1. Create a Sagemaker workspace using the rapids-ai workspace type

    2. Open a jupyter notebook

    3. Click Kernel > Change kernel > conda_rapids_23.06

  2. If you want to modify the kernel:

    1. Open a terminal window and run: sudo su ec2-user

    2. Activate kernel with: conda activate rapids_23.06

    3. List packages in kernel with: pip list

    4. Add packages with: mamba install -n rapids_23.06 <whatever packages>

    5. or add packages with: pip install <whatever packages>

Last updated