Connecting to the SQL server

Get your private credentials for SQL Server.

Your credentials to access the ADVANCE/OCHIN SQL database are located here:

  • Windows: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DB-Credentials.txt

  • EC2-Linux: /home/ec2-user/db-credentials.txt

  • Rstudio: /home/rstudio-user/db-credentials.txt

  • SageMaker: /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/db-credentials.txt

In Windows, you can find them on your Desktop.

This password automatically changes every 24 hours. So you will need to copy/paste it every day. This is a FISMA security requirement.

Connect to the database server. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio from your remote Windows computer. It is already pre-installed.

When you open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), it will show a dialog box asking for your credentials to connect to a server. If you do not see this, select “Connect Object Explorer” from the File menu. Click “Connect” to connect to the server.

After you connect to the database server, you will see the Object Explorer on the left, which lists all the databases on that server.

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