Additional information

Note that the “race_cd” field of the PATIENT_DIMENSION table contains a set of race codes. A description for these are in the “FellowsSample.common.i2b2” table. In the i2b2 table, the “c_name” field contains the name of each race; and, the “c_operator” and “c_dimcode” fields indicate the corresponding code(s).

For diagnoses, the “tval_char” field in the OBSERVATION_FACT table contains the values “Encounter Diagnosis”, “Problem List”, or “Medical History” to indicate the source of the diagnoses.

For medications, the “tval_char” field in the OBSERVATION_FACT table contains the values “DISPENSING” or “PRESCRIBING” to indicate the source of the medications.

For laboratory tests with a numeric test result, the value of the result is stored in the “nval_num” field of the OBSERVATION_FACT table.

For medications, the “tval_char”, “nval_num”, “valueflag_cd”, and “quantity_num” fields are used in the following way, based on the source of the medication data:






Number of refills ordered (not including the original prescription). If no refills are ordered, the value is zero. For historical prescriptions, the value is Null.

Dose of a given mediation, as ordered by the provider

Quantity ordered.


Days supply. Number of days that the medication supports based on the number of doses.

Dose of a given mediation, as dispensed.

Number of units (pills, tablets, vials) dispensed.

Last updated