Data Dictionaries via PIC-SURE API

The PIC-SURE API can be used to extract the data dictionary. This can be done regardless of authorization to access data and can be done with one, multiple, or all studies.

PIC-SURE Data Dictionary Fields

There are some fields included that may not be relevant. Some fields are generated during the PIC-SURE data curation process that are duplicates of other fields listed, as well as others that are stored specifically for internal use; these have been identified below.

  • values: An array of all unique values included for the variable.

  • studyId: ID associated with a study.

  • dtId: ID associated with the table the variable is stored in within the study or the names of the table or form, listed as "All Variables" if the variables were not grouped in a table or form.

  • varId: ID associated with the variable or a short text ID provided that can be a duplicate of the columnmeta_name field.

  • is_categorical: boolean True/False values that describe whether a variable is filtered in PIC-SURE as a set of discrete values (categorical).

  • is_continuous: boolean True/False values that describe whether a variable is filtered in PIC-SURE as a numerical range (continuous).

  • columnmeta_is_stigmatized - boolean True/False value that determines whether a variable is stigmatizing.

  • columnmeta_name: A short text ID associated with a variable. These are often not human-readable as they are mostly derived from the column names in datasets or a duplicate of the varID field.

  • description: A text field with a human-readable description of the variable. When not provided by the study submitters, this field will be a duplicate of the columnmeta_name field.

  • HPDS_PATH: The concept path used to uniquely identify a variable when exported to users.

  • derived_group_id: The table ID and version number, when applicable.

  • columnmeta_var_group_description: If provided by the study submitters, this field contains a long text description of variable groupings. Variables are not always grouped together in studies.

  • derived_variable_level_data: An array of additional information that is study- and variable-specific. An example would be units of measurement. This is only available for some of the studies.

  • data_hierarchy: A text field displaying a human-readable path that is used in the PIC-SURE user interface. This is only available for some of the studies.

  • columnmeta_data_type: Text field containing "categorical" or "continuous", based on the is_categorical and is_continuous fields.

  • derived_var_id: Variable ID with version number, when applicable.

  • derived_study_abv_name: Short text abbreviation used to refer to a study and shown in the PIC-SURE user interface.

  • derived_study_description: Description of the study.

  • columnmeta_min: Field generated internally for use in the PIC-SURE user interface elements for specific studies. Describes the minimum associated with continuous variables.

  • columneta_max: Fields generated internally for use in the PIC-SURE user interface elements for specific studies. Describes the maximum associated with continuous variables.

  • hashed_var_id: Hashed variable ID for internal use.

The following are fields that are duplicated data:

  • columnmeta_hpds_path: duplicate of HPDS_PATH

  • columnmeta_var_id: duplicate of varId

  • derived_var_description: duplicate of description

  • derived_group_description: duplicate of columnmeta_var_group_description

  • columnmeta_description: duplicate of description

  • derived_study_id: duplicate of studyId

  • columnmeta_study_id: duplicate of studyId

  • is_stigmatized: duplicate of columnmeta_is_stigmatized

  • derived_var_name: duplicate of columnmeta_name

  • columnmeta_var_group_id: duplicate of dtId

  • columnmeta_HPDS_PATH: duplicate of HPDS_PATH

  • min, max: duplicates of columnmeta_min, columneta_max

Last updated